Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recognize fallacies (jenny procter)

Begging the question - Only good liars become lawyers no truthful person would become a lawyer. This is fallacies because it is being claimed as truth.

Either -or - Either we all eat ice cream to be happy or we won't ever be truly happy. This is a fallacies because as shocking as it is some people have never had ice cream and are happy and also that there is more than just those two ways to be happy.

False analogies- Racism stopped after the Civil war. We should all be excepting as those were in those days. This is a fallacies because it doesn't tell all the reasons and explain the circumstances.

Hasty generalization- All blonds are dumb everyone knows that. This is a fallacies because you can't make a broad generralization about a group of people.

Non sequitur - Someone who can run a marathon shouldn't have to purchase health insurance. This is fallacies because one has nothing to do with the other.

Oversimplification- One on would ask a stupid question if we could hit them when they asked it. This is fallacies because no one would go for getting hit every time they asked a stupid question , because it might not be stupid to ask to them .

Post hoc fallacy -The ice melts when it is left out in the sun. That is fallacies because we know that ice will melt when it is left out in the sun.

Rationalization - I could have cleaned my room if I wasn't so tired from soccer practice. That is fallacy because it is a excuses and not a actual reason.

Slippery slope - We shouldn't make laws that we know people are going to break because then we are then just setting them up to break the law. This is a fallacies because it is impossible for laws not to get broken.

Bandwagon appeals - It won't matter if I look at her test she looked at my test and so did he guy next to me. This is fallacies because its still not the right thing.

Name calling - You are racist . This is fallacies because its meaning less unless its defined.

Polarization - All men love sports. This is fallacies Because it is representing a extreme position.

Straw man - Everyone should ride a bike because cars are bad and cause polution. This is fallacies becasue it distracts from the real issue and is easily argued.

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