Friday, September 11, 2009

Tootsie Rolls and more Tootsie rolls

The Smell of fresh mowed grass. A field painted with a white circle in the middle. Two friends watching one of the players. Butterflies flutering in my stomach as I watch him more intently and realize he is smiling at me or in my direction.

The two of us talk about where to sit. I pled with Kenzie not to have us walk in back of the goal post’s for fear of getting hit by a ball. Since I have the worst luck, only I can manage to have someone say it’s like one out of a hundred, I can have it happen three times to me . I only was hit once while running past the on coming balls of fire. We sit down on the grass pull out our treat’s of sweet’s to keep us happy. I tap Kenzie on the arm “ I don’t only have candy but I have I eye candy too.

We talk about the guy I came to watch play. We joke about how if he ever asked me out what I would do. We thought a movie would be about right, popcorn, soda, holding hands the whole enchilada. We joked about if he went to kiss me I would just stuff my mouth with popcorn. We made up tons of scenarios about what I would do, what jokes I would say to help things not be so awkward.

Kenzie starts saying very loud, you just like him too much, Jenny you do you like him way too much. While she is saying this way to loud for where we are sitting, he starts walking towards us. I franticly try to get her to stop saying that I like him. She didn’t stop or seem to hear. Kenzie finally sees him coming, gets up and not walks or jog but sprints away leaving me alone with him, who must have heard that I like him way to much.

I grabbed the tootsie roll bag and put as many tootsie rolls in my mouth . He says, hi. All I could do was smile and hope he’d walk away. I can feel saliva slip down my chin. He asked what I thought of the game. I just gave a two thumbs up. Thinking wow, did I just really do that. I most certainly did. He smiled turned away to go be with more normal people. I got up looking for Kenzie. I am going to kill you was my thought, and intention for blowing my cover.

We started to leave when I ran into my health teacher. I didn’t think she would have noticed me out of the classroom. Jennifer who are you here for? Surprised that my teacher had known I had come for a boy I pointed out the goalie number nine. Oh, him I know him many girls came for him. We said good bye to Mrs. Norris.

Kenzie and I got in the car, we burst out with laughter. As we drive, I tell her what happened when she left me alone with him. Jen, so you really did end up stuffing your face with food. Oh, Jen only you could have that experience.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, I like the story, but it's a little bit difficult to follow at this point. For example, I don't know how old you are supposed to be here (Jr. high?) and the sentences seem a little disjointed. Now, you're writing about a very common experience, and I think this story could be very affective, but you need to focus it a bit more. What does this boy look like? How did he make you feel? Why is this moment still so vivid for you? Did you ever talk to him again or is this just a sweet (heh) moment that you still remember?

