Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Multiple Perspectives free write

When Germany gave its guns up it became know as Hitler’s Germany and has had that title since then. The people of Germany became slaves and had no chance of defending themselves. Hitler had the power over the people, making old friends turned on each other to try to keep themselves safe. The fear that Hitler had over them was because they had no way to defend themselves. That’s why we can’t give our guns up because then we would be repeating history.

Guns help many people with different purposes. A police office finds it close ready to be draw incase danger erupts, a hunter find it his was of life to kill to survive, a criminal finds it as a was to get what they want, a murder finds it a way to take a life away, and a father finds it as a way to protect his family. This shows how in the hands of the right people they are good but in other hand’s they make us nervous. That’s why we need to carry guns to insure our safety.

Guns don’t have to just be killing devices. Shooting gins can be recreational and are fun to shoot. They can be prized positions and are expensive. They can have sentimental value. They can be passed down to generations. They are apart of our history. They are a big part of western movies.

Free write

Why are gun’s given the title or killing machines?
Why are some people so against gun’s?
How would American people react if gun’s were banned entirely?
Does having no gun’s increase or decrease deaths?
How many people own gun’s?
How would our officers feel if where gun’s were taken from them?
How many peoples lives could have been seen saved if someone had a gun during a shooting?

A description
A loud shoot is the end of something. What or who has been affected by the shot. Is it for protection or was it for greed.

Brief dialogue
Protect yourself! Don’t leave your life in the hands of someone else. Take the responsibility on yourself by carrying a gun. Many people have saved their life’s just by having one around.

Gun’s don’t kill people kill. Then why is it that people say that a gun took the life instead of saying people kill people?

Carrying a gun could have saved mothers, father, children and friends during shootings at malls, house and even on our military bases. Carrying a gun can give you a feeling of security. Taking someone’s life would be terrible but even worse knowing that you could have done something and did nothing. Letting the innocent get slaughtered.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dolan, Edwared, and Margaret scariano. Guns in the United States . 1st ed.,. New York, New York : Moffa,Inc, 1994. 21-22.

The gist of the article was how guns and fictional heroes have fascinated us more because the heroes or evil characters get what they want with the help of a gun. It told how the gun its self was an actor. How the guns in the shows save the ladies in distress, end war or start them and how the good concurs over evil.

I think that to some degree the fictional heroes with there guns inspire and fascinate us. However, it does teach children that if they threaten people they can get what they want. But you can also do that other ways not just with the help of a gun. Therese black mail, touchier, kidnapping and beating. The article does show you how media can influence you without really noticing. But I don’t think Dolan and Margaret should just put the blame on guns. Therese plenty of blame to go around.

Reflecting on the research the more I read the more important it is to have carry permits. They have saved helped several people. One that comes to mind is when a woman was being attacked, she pulled out a gun, and the criminal ran away. Most people who have guns illegally have had problems already with the law. So why is it that citizens are not allowed to protect themselves from the ones who threaten us?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Annotated Bibliography Entry 1

Dolan , Edward, and Margret Scariano. Guns in the United States. 1sted.,. New York, New York: Moffa,Inc., 1994. 27-32.

The book Guns in the United States told how in some instances having a gun helped protect the victim. An intruder entered a woman’s house and choked her. She fell to the ground and pulled a shotgun out from under her couch scaring the intruder away.

“ The Second Amendment says that: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

This is important because when in past history it shows when peoples guns have been taken away it has taken the freedom to rebel against the corrupt government. Just like Hitler did in Germany.

This book Guns in the United States chapter 3 was amazing, in just a few pages it expressed many of my views. Before I had read these few pages, I had written how Hitler had taken guns and the control of the people. I couldn’t believe it. It was as if the author had read my thought’s completely while writing his chapter. I liked how he quoted James Burgh who was a British Author who wrote Political Disquisitions said

“ The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave.”

That statement is so true because with out the ability to protect yourself you are at the mercy’s of anyone.

Annotated Bibliography Entry 2

Henderson, Harry. Gun Control. revised edition. New York: Facts On File inc., 2005. 62-63.

This was a legal case about a man driving on public roads, with a pistol in his glove compartment, in a state, that requiring a permit issued by the Sheriff to carry a loaded handgun in a car. The man’s permit was rejected and he appealed the decision to the courts. The court saw two problems. One does the constitution give some one the right to have a loaded gun on a public highway. Two does travel on a public high way put your safety at risk to the extent to require self defense with a gun. The court said he doesn’t have the right to carry the gun for self-defense and there’s not a personal safety hazard on public roadways.

I don’t agree with the sheriff or the court. They don’t have the knowledge to know if he feels endanger on the high way or not. Also, they are not available to protect him in case of danger. Police departments are not responsible to provide protection to citizens. This leaves the individual responsible for there own defense of life, and liberty. The Second Amendment doesn’t say where or when you can’t carry your arms (guns).

Annotated Bibliography Entry 3

LaPierre, Wayne. Gun Control Opposing Viewpoints. Michigan: Thomson and Gale, 2007. 27-31. Print.

In this book, Gun Control Opposing Viewpoints has different points the viewpoint I read was “The Threat of Guns in the Home Is Exaggerated”. It told the statistics and shocking is that “ The number of toddler who die from gun accidents is far less than the five hundred children who die in swimming pools each year”. The article told that what has helped in lowering accidental deaths from guns was the Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program. They did the program in elementary schools teaching children to “ STOP, DON’T TOUCH, LEAVE THE AREA AND TELL AN ADULT if they see a gun.” Because they educated the children, it has lowered accidental death of children from guns.

The issue with children being killed accidentally from guns is one point that people against having guns use. They think one way to protect the children is to not have guns. However, what they really should focus on is educating children about guns. Just like children are taught about drugs, fire, and emergencies. I was very impressed with the Eddie Eagle program “ since its introduction in 1988, the program has reached more than sixteen million children”. It has helped lower the accidental gun deaths of children.

Annotated Bibliography Entry 4

Dolan, Edward. Guns in the United States. New York, New York: Moffa,Inc, 1994. 68-70

The article in the book Guns in the Untied States titled Woman and Guns was fun and interesting to read.
“ The NRA estimates seventeen million women own guns.” The reason behind this is that women realize they can’t always depend on protective men to save them from nasty disgusting creepers. Gun seller’s and gun manufacturers are realizing woman’s desires for guns. With that in mind, they have made accessories and more feminine looking guns. They have also have a Woman’s & Guns magazine which tell about “basic fire arms lessons, how to pick a weapon, answers to legal questions and tips on gun safety”.

I enjoyed reading this article because of how the gun manufactures have changed the guns to make it easier for woman to use and carry them. They gave them ways to conceal the gun by having ankle holster, thigh holster, specially made purses and fanny packs. It was surprising how many women have bought guns. Way to go girls! I think it is great that woman are protecting themselves with guns.

Free write

How do people expect to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals? We can’t its impossible. That is why we need to be able to protect ourselves every second of the day by carrying a gun. We need the sense of security that guns offer. Reading all the stories about how just having a gun scared the predator away. If we could just get the criminals scared enough that we could be caring a gun they would stop for fear of being blown away. The people who own guns legally aren’t the problem they are the ones making sure that they are safe. Having a neighbor’s house broken into last summer, it has now been a fear of mine to have that happen. It makes you feel violated and scared in your own home. Your home is where you should feel the safest. That is why when I am old enough I will have a carry permit. That way I will not be a victim. We hear about shootings and think if only there had been someone who had a gun with them to stop the rampage sooner many innocent lives might be saved.

Interview Questions

What are your opinions on gun control?
Did you have friends that were shot by criminals?
As a former police officer, did you rather not have citizens have guns?
How often did you hear about children accidentally shooting themselves or others?
What were your instructions if a criminal had a gun?
Where you allowed shooting or did you need to have them shoot first?
What did you think about civilians taking the law into there own hands?
Would you encourage people to have guns?
Do you think it is okay to shoot at any intruder who enters your house?

( I didn’t have enough time to interview but I will)
Mashek, john. "NRA Gun Control Fright Protects Criminals, and Congress Must." U.S. News and world report 31 March. 2009,

The article was about the “Obama administration is unwilling to confront the Nation Rifle Association.” How we need stricter gun laws. That it needs to be better background searches. It talked about “ crazed gunman” killing people in towns. That “the second amendment does not protect armed killers or unlawful sellers of guns that cause harm to fellow citizens”.

When reading this article I feel bad that people stole other peoples life. However not everyone who has a gun goes around killing people. Most people who own guns know how to handle them to some point. I think most people know not to point a gun at some one unless you have the intent to shoot them common knowledge. I didn’t find this article helpful in proving that gun control is not the right answer to our problem.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

NRA, "Right to carry 2009." NRA-ILA 07june 2009,

The article told about states who have carry permits and how it has helped reduce crime rate. It told how Florida has issued several permits and how people thought it would turn into the Wild West. However few people where rejected to get the permits. The article told how many criminals stop doing their crime because someone had a gun. It told how citizens could defend themselves. “ Justice Dept. found 34 percent of felons had been “ scared off, shot at, wounded or captured by an armed victim,” and 40 percent had not committed crimes, fearing victims were armed”.

With all the percentage of criminals stopping because of fear of their victims having guns was surprising. I am glad it is working. It time the criminals start feeling the fears of there victims. This Article was helpful in letting people know that we don’t have to be scared we can defend ourselves.
Alcorn, Randy. "So much for gun control." Daily sound 10Nov.2009,

The Article I read was “so much for Gun control”. It told of the Fort Hood, Texas massicure. It explained how such a trajedy could occur. Men on the base are not allowed not have a gun with them. that “ acces to military weapons are carefully restricted and weapons are secured in armories”. However, one man from our military had a gun and murder thirteen people and wound dozens. The article said that the “slaughter would have been less. The gunman would have been confronted by people who could defend themselves rather than by helpless victims.” The article had good points as to why gun control is not helping. It showed how even secure places drugs find there way into jail. This shows that we all need to be on alert to help keep everyone around us safe. Our police force can’t do it alone.

So much for gun control is right. Who would have thought that an attack would happen on one of our bases, and by one of our own people? I never knew that we had our men without guns on base. That our men are risking their life’s, are being unprotected thanks to people who think they have the right not take that feeling of security from us. The article helped me realize that we are to blame for the gun control problem. We as a society have handed our responsibility to defend ourselves to someone else who won’t be every place at once. We aren’t just handing over our guns but worse our life, liberty, and happiness’. If we all just stood up to the one ‘s making the ridiculous rules to take our guns, and our right to defend our self’s. We would be able to feel safe, secure and free. We need to protect our self and others who are too stupid to realize that they need to protect there self’s. Everyone knows the sound of a gun being cocked and loaded it is the sound of protection.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gun control

1. I know that we have the right to bear arms thanks to my second amendment.

2. What are the reasons for thinking they have the right to take our rights away? Who gave people the right to do that? What good does it do to take away security?

3. Hunters, gun owners, police and politician

4. News paper, radio, school, work and pretty much anywhere people have disagreements on the subject.

5. News papers, interviews, TV shows and the amendments

6. I don't know yet

Trapp, Robert. "http:lib.slcc.edu:2851/lib/slcc/doc." AmustHave Guide for Successful Debate(3rd Edition). c2007. IDEA, Web. 10 Nov 2009. .

The summary of this article was pros and cons of gun control. I had a hard time reading the pros because they where ridiculous. It said that guns kill and that the only function of a gun is to kill. This is article went back and forth on the subject. Guns don't kill people; people kill people. The article didn't have a side. The article told how gun control has divided Americans for years. It has both sides of peoples views.

My opinion on of this Article was I agreed with the cons. The reasons for the pros where not anywhere near my values standing with gun control. The pros couldn’t be more wrong. Guns are more of a benefit. They offer protection and a way to put food on the table. There maybe a dividing line of what people think guns are meant for and what they really do for us when in the right hands.
Topic gun laws
1. what is the reasons for gun laws?
2. Who made the gun law?
3. what gives people the right to take our gun rights away?
4. do you have the right of self preservation ?
5. who gave people the right to tell us how to live?
6. why should we listen to people taking our rights away?
7. what does our second amendment say about gun laws?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Final anaylise paper

Actions speak louder than pretend identities
final paper

The door that hides a man’s identity. The door that no one wants to go to is given an identity of a man with nothing in his eyes. That man behind the door creeps people out. However, the man’s name, behind the door is Angel. Angel is seen as a man to the outside world that is his identity. However, he sees himself as a monster, which is strange because his name is Angel. Angels are seen as gifts from God. Angels action’s don’t reflect a monster but more human emotions, hero like actions and feelings.

The scene that shows a big part of Angel not being a monster is when, the people of the hotel join to find answers of how the man in the room committed suicide or was murdered. Everyone has made up there own thoughts, and accusations of how this happened. One person noted that the door was locked the bellhop said he was not a good tipper most suicidal people tip better, cause they know they won’t be taking the money with them. Judie has had her picture flashed about by a PI who knows that she stole money from the bank where she uses to work. The people take Judie while she is pleading and screaming that they are hurting her. They are ready to take justice into there own hand’s to bring justice to the one responsible for the mans death in attempts to keep there own secrets safe. Angel walks in the hotel and Judie points a finger calling him a monster telling everyone he has blood in his room. Its just Angel standing there alone and exposed. The attention of the crowed immediately turns their attention on to the new piece of meat. The room full of people should be loud but during this part, it is quiet just as a dream to Angel. Angel has a look of disbelief in his eyes. He had just exposed himself in order to kill the demon, and put himself at risk by visiting the bookstore. He went and got everything that would save the tortured souls but the person he did this for had just feed him to the wolfs. The shock in Angels eyes as he looks at Judie with pain and hurt, almost as if he was questioning the friendship he had with Judie. The camera is focused on both Judie and Angel going back and forth while the people start to tie and beat him. During all this Angel could have exposed Judie ‘s two ideates of being half white and half black, stealing money from the bank, and also the actors identity of being gay. He could have just as easily put the blame on someone else and saved his own neck. Angle took the blame, something that only a friend would do.

When he went back to the hotel and got ride of the demon for the last time. He found Judie old, alone, and afraid of what might happen to her if she left her room. Angel helped her to her bed. Judie asked for forgiveness while on her death bed Angel accepted her apology.

These actions show human traits and not monsters traits. Angel had human behaviors but also a monster inside. Angels human behaviors out weighted the monster he has inside. Going and asking how to vanquish the demon, telling Judie the cops won’t come, listening to Judies problems and past even though he didn’t want to from the look on his face. Angel doesn’t pretend to be human nearly as much as Judie pretends to be white. Angel does it with hardly any problem; he hides what he drinks and keeps to himself. Angel only allows himself to drink in privet spots, unlike the gay actor who shows his affections in the hallway of the hotel. We are seen only as we show yourself to others. Everyone in the hotel had something to hide.

When the demon came and showed himself after Angel had been hung, we know that Angel had cared for Judie and that they had been friends. The demon had said he was full, and the biggest reason why was because Angel and Judie had been friends.
The be trail was what made him so full that she could feed him a whole lifetime. Angel showed emotion that is even more human when he was gave the permission to the demon to feed off the rest of the people’s paranoia and fears in the hotel. As Angel walked away, you caught a glimpse in angels eye’s that he had been Questioning Judy ‘s and his friendship but still walked away. From the hurt and betrayal of Judy.

Angel ‘s human emotions shows up again fifty years later when he doesn’t tell cordilla and Wesley why they are looking in to the Hyperion hotel. I think Angle show a huge human emotion by not telling them why they are looking into the hotels history. He doesn’t want them to know that he was part of the reason for all the deaths that went on in that Hotel, and also that he had given the demon permission to have the torched souls.

When he goes back to the hotel to fix that mistake he made so long ago. Angel walks straight to Judies room not paying attention to his other friends question and worries about what the demon said about him, but only has his ‘s other friend concern on his mind. Angel fixes things with Judie who was at the hotel being fed off by the demon the whole time that it took Angel to get rid of the demon that he didn’t finish in the past. That is why Angel seems human; it is because of the mistakes, pains, friendships, and his secret identity that shows he is human in some way even though he is a vampire with a soul. Angel is not a monster but a friend who has experienced remorse, pain, sadness, regret and forgiveness.
Two long years united again at last
final observation paper

After we watched him walk through the door, we counted every moment till we could join him in St. Lucia.

We got off a small plane that held no more than 50 people. The plane wasn’t connected to the building like at most airports. We walked down the stairs as it started to down poor. I remember thinking that the stairs where really steep and if I fell it would be painful. I had remembered how it down poured in Florida but some how this one was more intense. Instead of rain, it was like standing under a waterfall. Having the sensation of feeling the force pushing on you drenching every spot of your clothes and having your hair drip as it does when it sprinkles in Utah.

We ran to the building, once inside we had to wait forever in a line to be allowed to go on the other side of the wall where my brother was. Knowing that there was just one wall in between us was torture. It was like handing some one a big glass of ice water that is locked in the desert, that is a hundred degrees having been stranded there for three days without water. Waiting in line, I noticed there was a bright red bird next to the window trying to stay out of the rain singing its own little tune. The rain instantly stopped just as it had when it started.

We got our luggage, I took a picture of my parents then myself to commemorate the trip and pick up of a most beloved brother. Next, we went to meet up with my brother. Walking outside was heaven, the smell of fresh rain the warmth of the sun. We my parents and I had your eyes wide open looking for Chris. We searched with our eyes pilled and wide open; we were really hoping that he didn’t forget about the time change and the different airport that we had to switch to. Chris spotted us right off, and he walked to us. His smile was from ear to ear as where the rest of ours. He had a brisk walk moving people aside.

I walked faster with excitement and a skip in my step to tell him all about what he had missed while he was gone, and the problems we in had getting here. Chris walked straight pass me to our crying mother. I felt pushed a side and snuffed. Giving her a hug, then our Dad got a hug. Finally, my turn first thing that comes out of his mouth was jen you’ve gotten bigger. Using hand motions to represent height and fatness. I didn’t quite know what to say to that, the comment had caught me off guard I was thinking more like along the lines of like jen you look so much older not tall and fat. Thanks Bud was all I felt should be said and I gave him a hug. That comment has been a joke from that day on. We meet the other missionaries and their families lots of hugging went on during this meeting of our new friends.

Our family is not a very touchy feely type of family. Watching my dad give several strangers hugs was very entertaining. We said our good bye’s and loaded on to what appeared to be like a smaller version of a bus, but extremely low to the ground. This bus slash car was a dark green with fancy yellow writing saying Sandals resort. Our little party of four boarded the bus. Along with three, more people in it including our driver. I sat in the back with two people who I didn’t know, while my brother sat on this extra looking pull out chair next to our mom. Dad sat in the front of the car with the driver. I don’t think that this car has ever gone over thirty miles an hour and if it did, it probably wasn’t meant to. The car ride was about an hour. Listening to my brother tell about experiences and looking at the most beautiful trees, flowers, sky and birds. I couldn’t help snapping pictures in the car. It was so green and beautiful. I thought I can never go back to dry plain old Utah. What made all these creations so beautiful is that it was new and I had never seen anything like it before. I had never had the sensation of having a jungle on both sides of the road. Every thing was more brighter, bigger and more alive there.

Stepping out of the slightly air conditioned car was nice, stretching and thankful to no longer be sticking to my chair. The temperature is always around eighties ninties and one hundred percent humidity. Luckily, my hair goes flat and flatter with humidity. Every direction you turn had a gorgeous flower growing all different colors, shapes and smells.

We went to the hotel got our keys. We had two separate houses one for my parents and one for my brother and I. One of our keys was bent and sometimes had problems opening the door. We walked to white looking ginger bread houses painted bright colors; red, green and blue. The inside was bright green walls. Clean with the best view ever palm trees and right between them was the most breath taking blue. The brightest and crispiest blue ocean I have ever seen. I could hear and almost smell the ocean spray from our room. We called President Kennison and my brother was officially released from being a missionary for two faithful long years. After that phone, call my brother pulled off his name tag and through it on the table. I pictured him throwing the name tag but it was in slow motion. We all went swimming in the ocean to start our vacation with my brother reunited at last. I will never forget this vacation I loved every moment and all the people we met, and friends we made.
Tootsie Rolls and more Tootsie rolls

final reflection paper

Smell of fresh mowed grass. A field painted with a white circle in the middle. The bright warm sun starting to loose its heat as the soccer season starts. Two friends watching one of the soccer players. Butterflies fluttering in my stomach trying to escape as I watch him more intently and realize he is smiling at me or at lest in my direction. Hoping with all my heart that he is really looking at me, and not just looking around for someone else.

The two of us talk about where to sit. I pled with Kenzie not to have us walk behind the goal post’s for fear of being hit by a ball. Since I have the worst luck, only I can manage to have someone say it’s like one out of a hundred; I can have it happen three times to me. I only was hit once while running past the on coming balls of fire. We sit down on the grass pull out our treat’s of sweet’s to keep us happy. I tap Kenzie on the arm “ I don’t only have candy but I have I eye candy too”. This boy just wasn’t candy he was my crush for the moment anyway. He could make me go crazy with everything he did. Tickling me during class, asking for my cell phone number in front of the whole class, coming and saying, “ what’s cooking good looking “ during my English class. This crush was tall; six one size thirteen shoe, dark brown hair, and blue green eyes and was very hot! Plus very athletic and popular.

We talk about the guy I came to watch play. We joke about how if he ever asked me out what I would do. We thought a movie would be about right, popcorn, soda, holding hands everything that you see happens in the movies. We joked about if he went to kiss me I would just stuff my mouth with popcorn. We made up tons of scenarios about what I would do what jokes I would say to help things not be so awkward. I don’t know why I said I would put food in my mouth to avoid kissing him. That is silly of me seeing a would daydream about him kissing me.

Kenzie starts saying very loud, you just like him too much, and Jenny you do you like him way too much. While she is saying this way to loud for where we are sitting, he starts walking towards us. I franticly try to get her to stop saying that I like him. She didn’t stop or seem to hear. Kenzie finally sees him coming, gets up and not walks or jog but sprints away leaving me alone with him, who must have heard that I like him way to much several times.

I grabbed the tootsie roll bag and put as many tootsie rolls in my mouth. Thinking to myself, it’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full so if I stuff my mouth full of them then I won’t have to talk to him. That way I can’t make myself look like an idiot. O sure I can! He says, hi. All I could do was smile and hope he’d walk away and fast before I did anything that would embarrass me. I can feel saliva slip down my chin. He asked what I thought of the game. I just gave two thumbs up. Thinking wow, did I just really do that? I most certainly did. Ha, ha he must think I am the grosses and strangest girl he has ever met. He smiled turned and walked slowly away to go be with his team. He must have realized that I had something in my mouth right. He probable thought it was just a couple of tootsie rolls in my mouth but it was more like my foot and a whole ton of tootsie rolls in it. I got up looking for Kenzie. I am going to kill you was my thought, and intention for blowing my cover. He was never suppose to know I liked him till he said he liked me then I could tell him I like him.

We started to leave the soccer field, when we ran into my health teacher. I didn’t think she would have noticed me out of the classroom. Jennifer who are you here for? Surprised that my teacher had known I had come for a boy I pointed out the goalie number nine. I thought to myself no point in lying about it everyone is going to find out soon thanks to Kenzie. “Oh, him I know him, many girls came to watch him.” We said good-bye to Mrs. Norris. Could this day get any better the guy I like most likely know I like him and to top it off my teacher knows.

Kenzie and I got in my car Sivilla, we burst out with laughter. We laughed until our sides hurt and we couldn’t breath. Kenzie and I where as red as tomatoes after we had our laugh attack. As we drive, I tell her what happened when she left me alone with him. Jen, so you really did end up stuffing your face with food. Oh, Jen only you could have that experience. But think it can’t get any worse okay maybe it can but it will be one great story to tell. Oo and look on the bright side now you might not have to tell him how you feel. As kenzie got out of the car she said ever so sweetly “you can thank me later love ya”.

After that story you would think okay so that must have been when I was in Jr. High no not at all, I was a junior in High school. I always had a perfect picture of how my high school life would be and it wasn’t going in the right direction. How ‘s that for a twist in the story?