Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Multiple Perspectives free write

When Germany gave its guns up it became know as Hitler’s Germany and has had that title since then. The people of Germany became slaves and had no chance of defending themselves. Hitler had the power over the people, making old friends turned on each other to try to keep themselves safe. The fear that Hitler had over them was because they had no way to defend themselves. That’s why we can’t give our guns up because then we would be repeating history.

Guns help many people with different purposes. A police office finds it close ready to be draw incase danger erupts, a hunter find it his was of life to kill to survive, a criminal finds it as a was to get what they want, a murder finds it a way to take a life away, and a father finds it as a way to protect his family. This shows how in the hands of the right people they are good but in other hand’s they make us nervous. That’s why we need to carry guns to insure our safety.

Guns don’t have to just be killing devices. Shooting gins can be recreational and are fun to shoot. They can be prized positions and are expensive. They can have sentimental value. They can be passed down to generations. They are apart of our history. They are a big part of western movies.

Free write

Why are gun’s given the title or killing machines?
Why are some people so against gun’s?
How would American people react if gun’s were banned entirely?
Does having no gun’s increase or decrease deaths?
How many people own gun’s?
How would our officers feel if where gun’s were taken from them?
How many peoples lives could have been seen saved if someone had a gun during a shooting?

A description
A loud shoot is the end of something. What or who has been affected by the shot. Is it for protection or was it for greed.

Brief dialogue
Protect yourself! Don’t leave your life in the hands of someone else. Take the responsibility on yourself by carrying a gun. Many people have saved their life’s just by having one around.

Gun’s don’t kill people kill. Then why is it that people say that a gun took the life instead of saying people kill people?

Carrying a gun could have saved mothers, father, children and friends during shootings at malls, house and even on our military bases. Carrying a gun can give you a feeling of security. Taking someone’s life would be terrible but even worse knowing that you could have done something and did nothing. Letting the innocent get slaughtered.

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