Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gun control

1. I know that we have the right to bear arms thanks to my second amendment.

2. What are the reasons for thinking they have the right to take our rights away? Who gave people the right to do that? What good does it do to take away security?

3. Hunters, gun owners, police and politician

4. News paper, radio, school, work and pretty much anywhere people have disagreements on the subject.

5. News papers, interviews, TV shows and the amendments

6. I don't know yet

Trapp, Robert. "http:lib.slcc.edu:2851/lib/slcc/doc." AmustHave Guide for Successful Debate(3rd Edition). c2007. IDEA, Web. 10 Nov 2009. .

The summary of this article was pros and cons of gun control. I had a hard time reading the pros because they where ridiculous. It said that guns kill and that the only function of a gun is to kill. This is article went back and forth on the subject. Guns don't kill people; people kill people. The article didn't have a side. The article told how gun control has divided Americans for years. It has both sides of peoples views.

My opinion on of this Article was I agreed with the cons. The reasons for the pros where not anywhere near my values standing with gun control. The pros couldn’t be more wrong. Guns are more of a benefit. They offer protection and a way to put food on the table. There maybe a dividing line of what people think guns are meant for and what they really do for us when in the right hands.

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